Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

The parish of Banyo Nundah is blessed to hold Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. This special parish devotion commenced on Wednesday, 22 August 2012 and has had continual adorers before the Blessed Sacrament since then.

Volunteers nominate their preferred hour(s) of adoration, and others, who cannot commit to a regular hour, volunteer to fill the vacancies that occur from time to time.

Adoration Times:

Corpus Christi Church, Nundah:  8am Monday to 8am Tuesday
Holy Trinity Church, Banyo:  8am Tuesday to 8am Wednesday

More dedicated adorers are needed as are casual adorers that we can call upon to fill in.

Coordinator: Colina Knol 0422 111 321 although the preferred method of contact is email:

Other Churches in Brisbane that also hold Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration can be found here.

What is meant by Perpetual?

Perpetual means never ending. Our Parish is part of a group of Churches that partner together to allow Adoration to occur 24/7 throughout Brisbane. Our Parish has continual Adoration from 8am Mondays to 8am Wednesdays across both Corpus Christi (Mondays) and Holy Trinity (Tuesdays) Churches. Check the website for other Churches.

What is the Blessed Sacrament?

The Blessed Sacrament is also known as the Holy Eucharist. It is nothing less than Jesus Christ himself – Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity, all under the appearance of bread in a single consecrated host. Christ’s immeasurable power and glory is hidden in this sacred Host in order for us to come to Him in faith.

What is Adoration?

Adoration is an act of worshiping God. This is done every time someone genuflects or kneels before a tabernacle where the Blessed Sacrament is kept, or bows before receiving the Holy Eucharist during Mass or when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration.

What is Exposition?

Exposition is the placement of the Blessed Sacrament outside of the tabernacle, to allow the faithful to Adore Our Lord. This can occur by opening the tabernacle doors, however the Church also allows the Blessed Sacrament to be taken out of the tabernacle and placed in a special vessel called a ‘monstrance.’ Exposition is only permitted if there are enough dedicated Adorers to ensure that Our Lord is never left alone.

Who can Adore?

Everyone is welcome & encouraged to adore, including children. Families can bring children for 10 -15 minutes at a time, as long as they are old enough to understand that being quiet is important.

What do I do during Adoration?

Many adorers will say the Holy Rosary &/or other prayers, read the Bible or other relevant literature. There are no rules of what to do, except to be silent and simply kneel or sit in Adoration before Our Lord.

What are some blessings associated with Adoration?

Some of the documented blessings include: increase vocations to the priesthood and religious life, return of lapsed Catholics, conversions & healing of broken relationships.

How can I get involved?

You can either be a casual adorer and come whenever you are able, or you are encouraged to become a dedicated adorer and commit to one Holy Hour every week. Only through the commitment of dedicated Adorers can this devotion continue to be available at our Parish.

Contact Colina at for more information.