Come follow me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of my people.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 9 February… Keep reading

This is the light of revelation to the nations,
And the glory of your people, Israel.
The Presentation of the Lord
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 2 February… Keep reading

The Lord sent me to bring Good News to the poor and freedom to the prisoners.
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 26 January… Keep reading

God has called us with the gospel
To share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 19 January… Keep reading