The Spirit of the Lord is upon me;
He sent me to bring Good News to the poor.
The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 7 July… Keep reading

Our Saviour Jesus Christ has done away with death
And brought us life through his gospel.
The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 30 June… Keep reading

A great prophet has appeared among us;
God has visited his people.
The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 23 June… Keep reading

The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; All who come to him will live forever.
The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings and commentaries
Praying with Children Liturgy
Newsletter for Sunday, 16 June… Keep reading